When working on mtf trans voice training, many believe that achieving an authentic sounding female voice is simply a matter of raising your pitch. However, this is a misconception. While pitch plays a role, it’s not the only factor, and arguably not even the most important one.
If you’re just beginning your voice training journey, I recommend prioritizing resonance before tackling pitch. But if you’re ready to explore pitch, I’m more than happy to show you the way.
MTF Pitch and its Nuances
Although pitch contributes minimally overall to distinguishing between male and female voices, it significantly impacts the life and emotion conveyed in speech. This is crucial for voice feminization and presents a unique challenge: consider how pitch influences not just the sound of your voice, but also how you express yourself through words.
Instead of focusing solely on achieving a high pitch, think about how you can use pitch to add dynamism and expressiveness to your speech. This will be key to developing an authentic and engaging female voice.
Trans Voice Training and The Dynamics of a Natural Female Pitch
Simply put, pitch is the frequency at which your vocal folds vibrate, a result of their length, tension, and mass. While female pitch can vary greatly, one consistent characteristic is its fluctuation (the degree to which it goes up and down).
As mentioned earlier, a sustained high pitch doesn’t equate to an authentic cis passing female voice. It’s only one piece of the puzzle. The key lies in pitch variation — the natural rise and fall of pitch throughout speech. This quality in itself, is a trademark of female voices. In contrast, traditional male voices tend to remain relatively low and flat, lacking the same degree of variation.
The Role of Emotion in MTF Pitch
Before we dive into exercises, it’s important to understand how emotion influences pitch. If you practice with flat, unemotional material, your pitch will reflect that, limiting your ability to achieve both variation and a higher pitch.
To practice effectively, choose lines or text that evoke emotion within you. This will naturally bring life and expressiveness to your voice.
Understanding Monotone and Vocal Fry
Ever wondered why monotone voices are so boring? It all comes down to pitch. Think of someone speaking in a monotone: their face is likely expressionless, with minimal lip movement. This lack of animation not only creates a monotone voice but can also lead to vocal fry — that creaky, low-pitched sound.
Now that we’ve covered this crucial connection between emotion and pitch, let’s move on to a simple exercise for your MTF voice training routine.
Exercise: Enunciation and Pitch
Minimal Movement: Say the numbers “1, 2, 3, 4” with minimal lip movement. Notice how your pitch remains low and flat.
Enunciate and articulate: Now say the numbers again, but this time enunciate each sound clearly and make sure to use the tip of your tongue to emphasize each sound. This together will make the consonants “pop” by increasing lip movement and articulation.
By enunciating, you keep your lips moving both vertically and horizontally, which naturally encourages pitch variation and prevents your voice from falling too low. Think of it as if your lips are “dancing” with the sounds, creating a more dynamic and engaging melody.
A Word of Caution: When doing this exercise, start with just slightly more lip movement than you normally use. It’s easy to overdo it, which can look unnatural and strain your facial muscles. Gradually increase movement as you become more comfortable.
Observing and Refining Your Pitch
Moving forward, consider pitch in terms of the emotion and life it brings to speech. Listen closely to the people around you and analyze their pitch.
Is it low and monotone, or does it have a lot of variation?
Are their lips constantly moving, or do they remain relatively still?
Do their words sound engaged and passionate, or withdrawn and bored?
By observing these patterns, you’ll gain a better understanding of how pitch contributes to vocal expression. This awareness will help you develop the qualities you desire in your own voice.
The Journey of Voice Feminization
Remember, pitch is just one element in the intricate process of voice feminization. Mastering all the nuances takes time, patience, and dedicated practice. Celebrate your progress and acknowledge how far you’ve come!
If you feel you would benefit from personalized guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out and as always, I wish you the very best in your voice training journey!
Till’ next time,